Rules & Regulations

About us

Our Rules & Regulations

The college has a set of rules and regulations to follow. Everyone has to adhere the rules and regulations strictly. This will not only help your professional life, it will also build your personal life.

The below are the rules and regulations drafted by the management for everyone to follow.

Our Rules & Regulations
  • Adhere to the rules of the college and discharge your responsibilities as student with diligence, fidelity and honour.
  • Do not commit any act of indiscipline in the college and hostel.
  • Refrain from possessing, consuming or distributing alcohol, harmful drugs, illegal narcotics ,Pan Parags, chewing gums or smoking cigarettes.
  • Do not possess firecrackers of any kind in the hostel and college campus.
  • Maintain tranquility in the campus. Students should not destroy damage, deface or remove the college property or disturb or injure a person under the pretext of celebrating/inducting/pledging or for any other reason like rivalry etc.
  • Be polite and courteous to all.
  • Attend all classes including the first day and last day of the semester. Absence without prior permission will lead to severe penalty.
  • Be punctual and attend the classes regularly.
  • Obtain a minimum of 60% marks in every test conducted in the class.
  • Write retest (IAT or model) when held, if one is absent due to valid reasons or had not obtained 60% marks.
  • Be neatly dressed and clean shaven at all times in the college premises.
  • Do not violate the dress code or fail to wear identity card while in the campus. Always be in possession of identity card for verification.
  • Do not smear colored powder and splash color water in the guise of festivals and functions on or during any other occasion in the hostel or college campus.
  • Do not collect money from co- students for any purpose without the knowledge of college authorities.
  • Do not be a part of any union or group or organisation. Any move to form unions or groups of any type unauthorised by the Management and the Principal is an offense.
  • Do not convene or attend any unauthorised meeting in the campus.
  • Do not scribble on the desks m, the black board and walls of the college and hostel.
  • Eve teasing is strictly prohibited and punishable when indulged both inside and outside the campus.

Anti-Ragging Policy

Ragging is a social menace and is strictly prohibited at the AKY Polytechnic of Institutions, its hostels, playgrounds and other college premises. The top management of AKYPolytechnic of Institutions and the respective colleges in association with the 'Anti-Ragging Committee' consisting of members of college governing council members, teachers and students endeavor constantly to make every campus in the AKYPolytechnic of Institutions 'Ragging Free'

The offense of ragging is not only punishable under the provisions Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997, but also under various provisions envisaged in several sections of Indian Penal Code, 1860. Students involved in such obnoxious practices will be liable in addition to prosecution before the criminal courts, for rustication, dismissal and expulsion from the colleges

Life @ Campus

Life at AKY Polytechnic College is as rewarding as the education the students receive. The self-sustained campus with all the required facilities and a spread of trees offers the right ambience for learning and self-development. The college practices high standards of ethics and discipline to shape the young into future-ready technocrats. Excellent learning facilities, sports, extra-curricular activities and social outreach programs offer a holistic development to the students and make them global leaders.


The students of AKYPolytechnic College shall follow strict discipline and code of conduct. If they fail to follow directions of the Principal, they are liable to prescribed actions that are laid out in the College Code of Conduct for the students.

The college conducts regular assembly every Wednesday at 8.40 am to help the students develop character, wholesome personality, personal ethics and orderly behavior of students in the society at large. Important announcements shall be made in these assembly sessions. Students cannot plead ignorance of such announcements, unless any student was absent on that day. All students and staff members are required to attend the same without fail.

Students are strongly advised not to miss any lectures, without justified reasons and are permitted by the Head of Department and Principal to do so. Eighty per cent attendances are mandatory for appearing for the semester examinations. Those who fall below the prescribed attendance will not be permitted to appear for the semester examinations.

The following leave can be availed by students, if necessary and upon prior consent from the Principal.

  • Institute Leave
  • On- Duty Leave
  • Medical Leave
  • Hostel Leave

Application for leave should be submitted to the HOD through the class advisor at least two days in advance. The hostel leave has to be sanctioned by the chief warden. The students shall respect and their teachers and behave with reverence and order.


AKY Polytechnic College is proud of its eco-friendly, serene & peaceful environment. The campus is green with focus on sustainability. Well-manicured gardens, lawns and thick vegetation adds to the serene ambience of the college. Smoking, use of narcotics and alcohol is strictly prohibited. Defacing any part of the campus is treated as an offence.

Deeply committed to upholding values system, the college expects its students to conduct themselves in a worthy manner in their dress, demean our and sense of discipline. They must respect their teachers, greeting them when they meet them in or out of the college campus. They must rise when the teacher enters the classroom; remaining standing till they are directed to sit, or till the teacher takes his/her seat. When the attendance roll is called, each one must rise and answer to his/her name or register number. Students should be seated in their respective classrooms at the stroke of the bell. Action will be taken against students found loitering about in the corridors and making noise. Students are expected to make use of the library during free periods. Movement of the students in the corridors of the college buildings during lecture hours or sitting on the steps of the staircase or on the steps of the portico of the college is not permitted. Students must wear their identity cards around their neck with the tags provided, whenever they come to the college and show it to the persons concerned whenever asked for.

Congregating on the road in front of the college or at the entrance of the college is to be avoided. Students must drive their vehicles at the campus at prescribed speed limits. Students should maintain a sense of decorum and discipline at all times both inside and outside the college. Those who are guilty of serious misconduct or whose presence in the college is detrimental to the order and discipline on the campus are liable to be expelled.

Code of conduct on the campus includes safeguarding the college property, keeping the place clean and tidy and dressing up decently. Boys are expected to be in full pants and clean shirts. Low-wasted pants with several large pockets are not allowed. Girls are expected to dress decently. Out of respect for Indian traditions, students should avoid wearing, tight, transparent, sleeveless, or revealing cloths and should dress appropriately.

Only students who are on the rolls of the college and parents shall enter the college campus.


Students enrolled







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